For buying
seepage 190.
■ P l u s h s i l k e y e b a g s a n d n e c k
p i l l o w s
are a soothing final touch
to class. Splurge on one set to give as
a door prize, or purchase separately.
Set, $31.95 huggerm
Goodies Fit
for a Gum
■ Y o u ’ ll w a n t y o u r
o w n m a t , a n d th is
prettily decorated one
is so different from
the usual solid-color
ones. As for your
guests, ask the
instructor to bring
along enough for all.
Mat, $34 with matching
baggaiam .com
■ S p r i n k l e b o t t l e c a p m a g n e t s
with calming reminders on the snack
table, then suggest your guests take
one home.
Magnets, $18 fora 6-pack;
■ F l i p s m a d e f r o m r e c y c l e d
y o g a m a t s
will keep you thinking
about class long after it’s over.
flops, $26;
M aking Your
Home M at-
You don't have to clear
out your living room and
paint it the saffron of the
Dalai Lama's robes in
order to set a serene
tone for your party.
Dimming the lights and
adding candles is the
easiest way to create
calm. Or, like Charlotte,
take it outside.
Either way,you'll want
m ake sure you have
enough space for
m ats—
plus a few feet of
elbow room—for all your
Provide water
before and during the
dass, and
serve light,
healthy treats
after. Try
prepared spring rolls cut
in half and displayed on
an Asian-inspired tray,
dried fruit and nuts
served in paper muffin
cups, Indian pappadam
crisps, and fresh fruit
salad or edamame
flecked with sea salt.
Mugs of herbal or
green tea
make a
perfect ending for this
laid-back get-together. iSb
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